Tidak jelas darimana asalnya.
Jika ada yang tahu sumber yang asli, silahkan menghubungi saya.
Setelah merenungkan dengan teliti, saya percaya inilah jenis pelayanan masa depan gereja yang sesuai dengan Alkitab ajarkan.
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Source: http://vantagepoint.com.sg/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/EvaluatingTheLocalChurch600.jpg |
- From meeting centered to life centered.
- From upward growth to outward growth.
- From super organization to simple organism (the opposite of hierarchy / reverse pyramid. Pyramid is anarchy).
- From bringing people to church to bringing church to people.
- From social respectability to salt and light (they turned the world upside down).
- From tenth to total in New Testament giving.
- From titles to function.
- From Independence to interdependence (from wallwide church to the citywide church ... organizational unity to spiritual unity).
- From presbytery without the people to presbytery with the people (Acts 15:22).
- From building centered leaders to people centered leaders.
- From performance by professionals to "everyone of you"(1 Chor 14:26).
- From pastor only to fivefold ministries (all the gifts God gave).
- From church houses to house churches.
- From self to God.
- From inreach to outreach.
- From events to relationship.
- From ministers to equippers.
- From consumers to contributors.
- From a church mentality to a kingdom mentality.
- From living in the past to enganging with the present.
- From market-driven to mission-oriented.
- From bureaucratic hierarchies to apostolic networks.
- From schooling professionals to mentoring leaders.
- From following celebrities to encountering saints.
- From dead orthodoxy to living faith.
- From attracting a crowd to seeking the lost.
- From belonging to believing.
- From generic congregations to incarnational communities.
- From christianity to Christ (not a philosophy, a movement, or a religion, but JESUS).
- From special priesthood to priesthood of all believers (called to sacrifice and intercede).
- From worshipping our worship to worshipping Jesus (worship is more than singing song).
- From symbolism to substance in the Lord is supper (take it often).
- From denomination to spirit-led networks (association of home churches).
- From program based church to home based church (liturgical, evangelical, informal).
- From the seminary system to the apprentice system.
- From selective submission to spiritual recognition (submit to God-ordained authority).
- From paper membership to Body membership (we are members of one another).
- From the wheel to the vine (releasing teams to plant simple churches in homes).
- From organizational unity to spiritual unity (there is only one step to unity).
- From "us and them" to "us" (refuse to allow a divisive spirit to enter your fellowship).
- From planned church only to spontaneous church also (recognize ecclesia).